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This month, some of you may be tempted to dismiss this post as ‘book marketing.’ Please do not do this.  If you have subscribed to the salesSHIFT blog for any length of time, you know that I only post to my blog when I have something to say of relevant educational value. The immense value of this short article comes when you think deeply about your personal response to the three questions.

So stick with it to the end. And enjoy the process.


I started work with a new coaching client last month. Jean* has been selling in a variety of capacities for 14 years and, having recently moved into a more strategic business development role, is looking to “up her game.” In preparation for our initial meeting, I asked her to read the first chapter of my book and to come to our first session prepared to share her insights along with any questions. 

My reaction, when she placed her copy of UNCOMMON SENSE on the boardroom table was an unanticipated unprofessional shriek. For which I apologized. I was not laughing at Jean. I was in awe of the artwork that filled Jean’s copy of the book.

Three Questions Every Sales Pro Needs to Ask

Jean had read all the way up to the halfway point. She explained that, whenever she had an epiphany relating to her own sales activity, she highlighted the passage and attached a post-it, with a handwritten ‘prompt to act,’ to the page. I’ve seen many copies of my book highlighted and tabbed by a multitude of sales pros, but never anything like this.

Jean’s handiwork is a colorful reminder of why I wrote a book about the Uncommon Sense (or lack of) in selling. My intent is to have sales professionals, even those of you who have been selling for decades, to put on the brakes and, in context of your own sales approach, answer three critical questions. And answer them with brutal honesty:

  1. Is what I am doing smart?
  2. Is what I am doing efficient?
  3. Is what I am doing relevant to today’s buyer?

The ultimate truth, of course, comes from a fourth question: Am I getting the results I want?

You know that the world of sales has shifted dramatically. Yet, how often do you hold up a mirror to your own selling activity to assure your sustained success in a shifting business environment? At some point in our sales career, everyone falls into the rut of comfort or complacency. We get to a place where what ‘we think we do’ and what ‘we actually do’ are a world apart. We can all use a little objective support to be able to see this in ourselves. I wrote UNCOMMON SENSE to prevent you dropping into this dangerous rut, and to help you climb out when you do.

Of course, some of you may choose to skip through this post without reflecting on these three game-changers. A word of caution: If you choose to skip this important act of self-reflection, ask yourself, “Why?” Your response tells a lot about you. 

If this post encourages you to revisit your copy of the book with a pad of colored post-its, or to buy a copy of UNCOMMON SENSE for yourself and others in support of this process of self-reflection, then you have made my day.

Thank you.

~ Jill Harrington

*Client name changed to protect privacy.


In order to accelerate your business results, we have developed three resources to use in conjunction with the book:

The Uncommon Sense Sales Leader Coaching Guide. Download your free coaching guide for tips and exercise on how to use this book as a power-coaching tool for stronger sales results.

The Uncommon Sense Sales Maximizer Mentoring Process. Live on-line sales team mentoring, conducted over a period of 3-4 months, customized to your business environment to address your specific issues.

One–one, or small group, professional coaching with Jill, on-line or onsite, for sales professionals looking to up their game in 2020. Contact Jill for full details.