Last month I received a referral from a client to a fellow conference organizer. She finished her email with these words, “Jill, I love hearing you speak, so anytime I can refer you into an event I am already planning to attend, all the better!”
Awesome. Thank you!
Now, knowing my obsession with the triad of selling ABCs (if you have no clue to what I am referring, buy my book already!) how do you think I responded?
I got curious. I needed to know more. What am I doing that has this advocate pushing to get me on stage at every conference she plans to attend?
So I asked.
Her answer: “It’s because you’re a realist – you don’t mince words and you challenge the norm. I hate going to presentations where it is the same old, same old – where you hear the same stats and demographics and its cookie cutter information that you can pull from google. I like to be challenged, to think outside the box and I like fresh new ideas. I don’t like paying to learn something I already know, I pay to attend a session because I want grow personally and professionally. I want content that will challenge me and information/learning that can be realistically implemented. I want substance I can sink my teeth into, which is what you deliver.”
Now I am not sharing this to shamelessly promote my speaking. Although that would definitely be a welcome bi-product of this post. I am sharing this because it delivers a really really important lesson.
Many of us happily accept client testimonials that are merely the “bones” of the client’s perspective. Sometimes because we’re just plain busy. More often we simply neglect to think about the critical next step to put some meat on these bones. As in the case of my client’s original compliment, the bones are always loaded with meaning and implication. The bones make us smile but the meat has the power to dramatically accelerate our sales cycle, if we are smart enough to serve it to customers in ways that are relevant.
[bctt tweet=”Many of us happily accept client testimonials that are merely the “bones” of the client’s perspective. Smart. Simple. Now go do it.” username=”JillsalesSHIFT”]
For example, I have now started integrating this client’s specific words into sales messages to:
- Speaker’s bureaus looking for sales experts that “don’t mince words and challenge the norm.”
- Prospects who need evidence of salesSHIFT’s differentiation, from a believable source rather than a canned pitch from someone paid to sell.
- Companies and associations whose audiences are tired of hearing “the same old same old” regurgitated messages at their annual conference.
Similarly, I am adding credibility to my proposals, presentations and concept papers, not just by adding traditional testimonials and references. But by positioning this kind of meat into relevant sections of the document. And I’m beefing up my LinkedIn profile, website and other online profiles where potential buyers make the decision to contact with me… or not.
I could continue. But you get my point.
I have read too many websites, proposals and sales messages featuring bland testimonials like “The best experience ever!” “I highly recommend Company A.” “We’ve worked with Company X for 10 years and would not trust anyone else to manage our Y initiatives.” These are simply white noise. Nobody notices them. And they’re taking up valuable real estate.
When a client throws you a passing compliment … whether it is about you, your company or your services… be curious. Get the meat that will help you articulate your differentiation to others. Seek clarity on what compels your best customers to buy from, return to, and stay with you. Then use your client’s powerful words to open doors to buyers with similar aspirations or concerns, and accelerate your sales success.
[bctt tweet=”Seek clarity on what compels your best customers to buy from, return to, and stay with you. Then use your client’s powerful words to open doors to buyers with similar aspirations or concerns, and accelerate your sales success. Smart. Simple. Now go do it.” username=”JillsalesSHIFT”]
Now go do it!
Got a comment or a fresh idea? I want to hear from you so please take the time to post below.