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The ability to listen is an essential sales skill. We all know this. We also know that sales people aren’t necessarily seen as the best listeners. And yet HOW you listen is what uncovers the deal-winning data that others miss. And that ultimately changes the rules of the selling game. And I mean to your advantage.
So I want to give you three crazy-valuable ways to use listening as your secret sales weapon.
[ctt tweet=”HOW you listen is what uncovers the deal-winning data that others miss!” coverup=”_fwa7″]
#1 Do NOT simply listen to words. Listen for, and explore, the meaning behind the words. For example. If a prospect says that he is considering switching suppliers next year, many sales people hear “opportunity.” And jump on the bid list. But what’s the key word… loaded with implication … in this sentence?
Considering! Yes! So explore.
Where are they in this process of considering? Why are they considering … and not deciding? Under what circumstances will or won’t they move forward. What are the barriers? I could go on but you get the picture. Listen for, and dive deeply into the meaning behind your clients’ words if you want to outsell your competitor.
Listening tip # 2. PAUSE for profits. How comfortable are u with silence? When you ask an important question and the customer has answered… PAUSE … before going to your next question. Most human beings feel compelled to fill silence. Let your customer be the one to do this. It’s almost guaranteed she will add valuable insight because you’ve given her that extra time to think.
And tip # 3. Shut up until the time is right. Yes, you heard me. I’ll never forget this leadership meeting where a team of executives were jumping on each other’s words, each determined to have their say. Except for one. He sat there silently. And when the rest of us were done he said, “I just have three things to say…” He shared his three points in less than five minutes. And his contribution was more insightful than the two hours of previous dialogue.
Sales people. We love to talk. Try holding back. And LISTEN until you’re in a position to say less … with more impact.
[ctt tweet=”Salespeople love to talk. Hold back and LISTEN until you are in a position to say less, with more impact.” coverup=”y258D”]
Now if you think your team needs help with their listening skills I definitely want to hear from you. And here’s how to reach me.
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