Don’t be turned off by the subject line of this issue. I am not about to ask you to go out and beat up your clients and prospects. I am asking you to be prepared to have the tough conversations that most sales people avoid, the ones that will dramatically improve your sales efficiency while serving both you and your customers.
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Because this message is so important, I want you to hear it more than once. So I’m mixing things up this month and delivering three important “get tough” tips in short audio sound-bites that you can download to any device. And listen to wherever you are … in the office, gym, car, even the bathtub. I suggest you re-play these over and over to assure action because I’m asking you to do something critical to your success. And something that most sellers aren’t prepared to do.
Now if you find these short pragmatic selling tips valuable you’ll love my new book, “UNCOMMON SENSE. Shift your thinking. Take NEW action. Boost your sales.” It is filled with stories of real sales people putting this kind of smart thinking into action. It will be available this September so make a note in your schedule to grab your personal copy.
Please let me know how you like the audio format. And if you have a topic, question or sales challenge you’d like addressed in a future post I’d love to hear from you.
Do you have any “get tough” tips? Please share a comment below. I know many others will benefit from your insights.
Good selling.
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Is your prospect really prepared to switch? |
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The problem with incoming leads. |
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Two difficult questions every seller must ask. |