by Jill Harrington | Sep 28, 2011 | Sales Effectiveness, SalesSHIFT Blog
I’ve been married to the same man since Noah built the ark so you’d expect me to be the least qualified person to write about the current dating scene. The reality is… I feel like a modern day “Dear Abby.” Many of my friends and clients...
by Jill Harrington | May 28, 2011 | Sales Effectiveness, SalesSHIFT Blog
Don’t laugh! I’ve embarked on the “flat belly” diet. Yes, Jill Harrington, a self-proclaimed stick insect, is on a diet. Truth is I’ve developed this “Buddha belly” over the past couple of years and I want to get rid of it. So...
by Jill Harrington | Apr 10, 2011 | Sales Effectiveness, SalesSHIFT Blog
I know I sound like a broken record but here I go again. The market has changed. Unfortunately many sellers haven’t. And if the messages you deliver, the questions you ask, the proposals you present, the processes you use, and the services you offer are no...
by Jill Harrington | Mar 10, 2011 | Sales Effectiveness, SalesSHIFT Blog
On April 14th 1912 the largest, and seemingly unsinkable, passenger steamship in the world collided with an iceberg and sank in less than three hours. The death toll was over 1500, making the sinking of the Titanic the most deadly peace-time maritime disaster in...
by Jill Harrington | Dec 20, 2010 | Sales Effectiveness, SalesSHIFT Blog
If you’re like many of my clients, you may be thinking “good riddance” to the end of the year. But it’s not quite over yet. Year end looms before you. Which means management is breathing down your neck, targets need to be met, and you’re...