by Jill Harrington | Dec 9, 2015 | Sales Efficiency, Sales Success, SalesSHIFT Blog
We all strive for the elusive utopia of “work – life balance” (WLB) dangled before us by professional development gurus like a golden carrot. How many of us have quietly berated the boss, pointed a guilt-laden finger at the client or cursed the job for robbing...
by Jill Harrington | Nov 25, 2015 | Sales Challenges, Sales Effectiveness, Sales Efficiency, SalesSHIFT Blog
I recently observed a 30-minute presentation made by a technology sales rep to a group of 14 top resellers who happen to be my clients. These are the people who can provide him immediate access to multiple clients across North America. Any seller would agree that this...
by Jill Harrington | Nov 11, 2015 | Sales Challenges, Sales Effectiveness, SalesSHIFT Blog
Face it. When you engage with a new prospect there’s a 90% chance that they won’t need you right at that moment. Even when your contact is polite enough to respond, his reply can be disappointing for an enthusiastic seller. “Check back in six months.” “We’ll be...
by Jill Harrington | Oct 21, 2015 | Sales Challenges, Sales Effectiveness, SalesSHIFT Blog
My clients love to send me prospecting messages they receive from sellers. They know that the content is fabulous fodder for my upcoming book. And, I like to analyze each message as a reminder of what works, and what doesn’t, in prospecting today. Sadly, most fall...
by Jill Harrington | Aug 25, 2015 | Sales Challenges, Tips & Tools
Are you under constant pressure to compete on price to beat out inferior competitors? Are you frequently asked to drop your price because buyers either don’t care, or fail to appreciate, the value of your premium offering? Do you find yourself responding by...
by Jill Harrington | Apr 9, 2015 | Sales Challenges, Sales Effectiveness
While I don’t engage in a lot of online conversations I feel compelled to respond when it’s an important sales-related issue to which I can contribute value. I recently posted a brief response to Katrina’s challenge on a LinkedIn group. As the issue is one that you...