by Jill Harrington | Aug 25, 2015 | Sales Challenges, Tips & Tools
Are you under constant pressure to compete on price to beat out inferior competitors? Are you frequently asked to drop your price because buyers either don’t care, or fail to appreciate, the value of your premium offering? Do you find yourself responding by...
by Jill Harrington | Apr 9, 2015 | Sales Challenges, Sales Effectiveness
While I don’t engage in a lot of online conversations I feel compelled to respond when it’s an important sales-related issue to which I can contribute value. I recently posted a brief response to Katrina’s challenge on a LinkedIn group. As the issue is one that you...
by Jill Harrington | Feb 9, 2015 | Sales Effectiveness, Sales Success, SalesSHIFT Blog
If you sell, you use LinkedIn. When I think back in time to life before internet I give thanks for the level of efficiency that this valuable technology has brought to the field of selling. Well … depending on how you use it. Recently I witnessed the worst and the...
by Jill Harrington | Nov 7, 2014 | Uncommon Sense video series, Videos
“Seller beware… Nobody needs your information.” So what do they need? Our final dose of “uncommon sense” for sellers like you who want to sell smart and sell more. Watch our final video in this week’s Uncommon Sense for People who Sell series and be sure to leave your...
by Jill Harrington | Nov 6, 2014 | Uncommon Sense video series, Videos
Welcome to day 4 of the Uncommon Sense for People who Sell video series! Today, find out what “Sales people should stop doing once and for all!” And be sure to leave your comment and share with friends! [pb_vidembed title=”Sales people should stop doing this...