by Jill Harrington | Nov 2, 2011 | Sales Challenges, SalesSHIFT Blog
I still have vivid memories of a time I was making an important purchase for my company. A vendor raked me over the coals when she found out that I had shared a piece of information with her competitor and not with her. She lost the bid, and held my unfair act...
by Jill Harrington | Sep 29, 2011 | Sales Efficiency, SalesSHIFT Blog
The other day I had to pick up something at my local mall. I dislike malls. And so I was ecstatic to find a parking spot “spitting distance” from the main door. Ten minutes later, mission accomplished, I clicked my car’s remote door opener and jumped...
by Jill Harrington | Sep 28, 2011 | Sales Effectiveness, SalesSHIFT Blog
I’ve been married to the same man since Noah built the ark so you’d expect me to be the least qualified person to write about the current dating scene. The reality is… I feel like a modern day “Dear Abby.” Many of my friends and clients...
by Jill Harrington | Sep 26, 2011 | Sales Managers, SalesSHIFT Blog
An unanticipated response from one of my clients recently got me thinking. He’s a sales leader responsible for his company’s sales optimization project and when I asked him how things were going he replied, “We’ve seen pockets of real progress...
by Jill Harrington | Sep 11, 2011 | Tips & Tools
Forget worn out manipulative closing techniques. If you sell B2B, seek long-term customer relationships and ongoing growth opportunity, then shift your thinking about closing the sale. 1. Broaden your definition of the close Many of us still think of the close as the...